Count characters, words, sentences & paragraphs in 100% real-time experience. Works with any language.

Count characters, words, sentences & paragraphs in 100% real-time experience. Works with any language.
You can copy and paste your text with the characters to count in the text area, or you can type your characters and words into the text area. The counter will be updated instantly, displaying the amount of characters, words, sentences, paragraphs in your text.

FYI: Character limits are ...

🔵 Snapchat 80
🔵 Twitter 280
🔵 SMS txt 160
🔵 LinkedIn Summary 2,000
🔵 Reddit Title 300
🔵 Pinterest 500
🔵 Instagram 2,200

➡️ App Features
❶ 100% Free app. There is no 'in-app purchase' or Pro offers. Free means absolutely free for life time.
❷ Offline app! You have full freedom to use the app without internet.
❸ Beautiful eye-catching design.
❹ App uses little phone space and works fine with low memory.
❺ Low battery consumption! The app is optimized to use the battery wisely.
❻ The App has only one Banner Ad in footer. There is no Road-Block ad, Interstitial ad, Rewarded ad at all.

Download Character Counter app from Android PlayStore